Sorry, but you all are working way too hard. . .
(Puff, Puff) smileys/wink.gif
I can get smooth mashed taters without using a ricer or food mill. Gotta cook them right, to the right done-ness, mash with a masher, beat with an electric mixer with butter first, then add the hot milk/cream. This is a brag, but this is true!
Now if you want a big ol' hill of sieved potatoes to drop a pat of butter on and look really good, that is a different thing.
No way am I going to use a ricer on 10 lbs mashed potatoes for a big group of people. And my Foley food mill, I am just not going to use it for potatoes when I love the ones I can get without it.
I guess I am just more low-tech. I like a masher over the high-tech food mill or ricer.
A matter of "to each their own, said the lady who kissed the cow!"
Have fun!