Any thoughts on how useful a potato ricer is?


Well-known member
Of most importance to me would be to have the ability to make at least enough potatoes for a dinner party of 8.



They make lovely potatoes & it only takes a few seconds to squeeze one through

So potatoes for eight wood be no problem. You van also use them to make spatzle in a pinch if you like them.

While I will happily smash up some potatoes for every day for the fam, I wouldn't give up my ricer

for company mashed potatoes for anything. Thanksgiving mashed potatoes would be NOTHING without my ricer!

My mom had one in the 50s and I wish I had captured it when we packed up her home. There is

nothing quite like what it can do.

Exactly! That is the only time I use mine! Love it! But I laughed this am, when reading

the post. Because I only use it for Thanksgiving! I was also thinking that it is quite large, for a gadget that I only use once a year. Love your ideas Cathy! Thx!

Thanks everybody - I appreciate the feedback. Do I change

the basic add warm cream & butter combination? I did pick one up - but as I have 25 coming for Canadian Thanksgiving I'll wait for a smaller dinner to try it out.


emtd, I rice the potatoes back into the hot pot, off the heat, add soft butter, than add hot milk

to reach the consistency I want.

I also add caramelized onions and sour cream, but have since learned to add the onions as a decorative circle around the top because some folks get a little spooked when they see brown things in the white mashed potatoes. That way they can either scoop WITH onions...or avoid them completely.

Isn't a Foley Food Mill easier? I have both but prefer that for a lot of potatoes.

Thanks for that tip Cathy, I will use if often.

Sorry, but you all are working way too hard. . .

(Puff, Puff) smileys/wink.gif

I can get smooth mashed taters without using a ricer or food mill. Gotta cook them right, to the right done-ness, mash with a masher, beat with an electric mixer with butter first, then add the hot milk/cream. This is a brag, but this is true!

Now if you want a big ol' hill of sieved potatoes to drop a pat of butter on and look really good, that is a different thing.

No way am I going to use a ricer on 10 lbs mashed potatoes for a big group of people. And my Foley food mill, I am just not going to use it for potatoes when I love the ones I can get without it.

I guess I am just more low-tech. I like a masher over the high-tech food mill or ricer.

A matter of "to each their own, said the lady who kissed the cow!"

Have fun!
