Any tips on making 3 over easy eggs in the same skillet? When I make them, I can't keep them


Well-known member
seperated; so use the edge of the spatula to kind of cut through the egg whites then flip them. They end up being all smooshed, always have one yolk break, etc... You get it, they look a mess. I have tried a few different things to keep them seperated, but nothing seems to work. Perhaps I should just make them individually in the skillet? I was hoping to do them all at once. Any suggestions?

You can practice flipping them in the air! It's not as hard as it looks. Or you can find extra-wide

flexible spatulas to fit under the mass of three eggs. A smaller skillet and a wider spatula should do the trick.

Are they going on 3 separate plates? Two work well with butter and a curved sided pan.

Or you could try putting each one into a cup, adding one at a time to a large pan and wait for a few seconds for the edges to set, then add the second...then the third.

I do think two smaller pans & flipping would work easier.

First master the technique by practicing with a piece of toast--then

when you place the eggs in the pan, try to get the yolks near the edge away from you.

Make sure that the whites are well set--and flip away.

Takes some practice, but I know you can be an egg master in no time.

Instead of flipping them, I add about a tablespoon of water to the pan, cover w/ lid

and cook until the whites are set. Works like a charm!

The old method of using the butter in the pan to spoon over the surface so you don't have to flip.

And putting the egg white in alone for a moment to set (small) before sitting the yolk on top. (that second one was just a thought, I've never tried it)
