Oh, Blue Bottle!!!! Drinking this has spoiled me for anything else! Local guy, sources sustainable
Beans where the growers are paid properly etc, but really good stuff. He roasts them and won't sell them if it's been past a few days. Amazing flavor.
But you know, Starbucks has mass appeal, a standard flavor that brought most people in US out of drinking Folgers. Now, I'm guessing they want to take over the instant market. Lots of people still drink instant! Amazing huh. So, given that, it's a smart move. I thought their marketing was interesting, they suggest keeping some with you, put in your water bottle for coffee on the go, or on an airplane, very clever...
But give me the choice, I'll take a cup of Blue Bottle. I was so excited to see as part of the gifts from the BlogHer Food conference was a mini Bodum personal coffee press to go!