Anyone else have mixed results from no-boil lasagna noodles? Sometimes I have great results


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with them and then they let me down.

Am having company this weekend and think I might just have to go back to the old pre-cook standby's and not take a chance. (Mostly hard spots. I do use lots of sauce!)

Is it just me????

No, it's not just you. I do not use them because of the...

hard spots as you said, plus I don't like the gummy texture after they've cooked in the sauce.

I have had great success with the no-boil noodles when I make the lasagne one day before serving.

Have you tried different brands? Also a couple of recipes in CI called for soaking them in

warm water for 5 minutes. I always do that, I think it makes a difference. Btw, I like Barilla, but the only other brand I've used is Delverde. Don't remember a problem with that one either.

I use them. I had mixed results unitl...

I did the 5 min soak Curious1 mentioned. Just pop them in a pan with warm / hot water for about 5 min. I usually do this as I'm finishing up the sauce. Still easier than boiling I think.

I have one package left and when I use that up I am going back to regular lasagna noodles

I don't think my lasagna holds as firm when cut as the regular, curly edged noodle. I always make it one day ahead and have not noticed any hard spots, but I also use plenty of sauce.

Thanks everyone for your input...glad to know it's just not me, but maybe if I try the soak method

it will work...(Think I've tried that in the past) I have tried several different brands, but always thought something just wasn't working right. After all the ingredients and time going into a lasagna, I hate to chance it with the noodles!
Thanks for all of your insight.
