Anyone ever take cooking class at CIA Hyde Park? Looking at either bread or seafood course


Well-known member
I'm treating myself to a cooking class at the CIA and debating on whether to take the Artisan Breads at Home or Under the Sea..... I don't bake/eat a lot of bread normally but it intrigues me - yeast, crusty bread... and the seafood class - well I do cook that often enough but not well...

So, anyone been there? recommendations?



I've taken many classes there, Tess. Learned something and had fun at all but one.

Had a crazy chef instructor who yelled all the time and answered every question sarcastically. It was Italian cooking.

Have you been there before? Fun atmosphere, too.

I'm envious Tess. When I first moved to Saudi they played a series

of "Cooking with the CIA" on our compound TV station and it was fantastic! Them and Caprial Pence got me started cooking and it would be fantastic to go to a class. Tell me all about it if you go.

Most of my old instructors are long gone, so I haven't any ties left with

the Institute.

I enjoyed all the classes I attended. You really can't go wrong.

There is nothing like the aromas that come from the baking labs.

Sarcastic Italian chefs

unheard of ---LOL.

I was there once for dinner at the Italian restaurant as part of vacation, touring the area.

This time I'm treating myself to a birthday gift... I can't wait - going mid September.
