Anyone familiar with just dug up ginger root...this is not dried at all. Still has the top stalk.


Well-known member
The Asian lady said to use it just as you would the regular ginger root you buy at the store which has been dried and turns into that knobby thing. This is still a cream/white/white color and so beautiful. I plan on using it in the tomato, ginger, quinoa soup I posted above.

Great, cannot wait to get into it this morning. What can I use as a substitute for Quinoa in soup?

I have Wheat Berries, Farro, and a few type of the tiny pastas.

I would think any of them would be good. Quinoa has a pretty neutral flavor, so the tiny pasta...

...might be closest. Wheat berries and farro are good too, but a bit more substantial.

I don't think you could go wrong with any of them.


Thanks, I ended up using Israelli Couscous, because as I was perusing my pantry

my sweet hubby had just come in with an armload of roses and dropped them into the sink for me to process and put into a vase. I was busy making the soup, had two pots going, and now my sink has flowers in it. The Israeli Couscous was the most comforting so I grabbed it! LOL He has no clue how much focus it takes when one is cooking, getting ingredients, measuring, chopping, dicing, mincing . I finally managed to get him trained to not pop up behind me and start talking when I was using my chefs knife at break neck speed. It took a bloody finger to convince him!

Oh my goodness! My wife did that to me a week or so ago. We've been together for...

...3 1/2 decades, and I've been cooking for us for all of that time.

Scared me silly! And, of course, it was when I was mincing garlic.

