Anyone following "The Great British Baking Show" on PBS?

My BFF (since 2nd grade) is insisting I watch it. I've caught a few Youtube

segments and decided they were the NICEST most POLITE bunch of cooks I've seen on TV with some of the WORST dental problems I've seen on TV.

I must be the only one on the planet that doesn't care for it. the 2 hosts are too goofy for me

and the male judge can get snarky. but what got me last Sunday was that recipe for the princess cake that was the female judge's recipe, and was pretty much a non-recipe. I guess it tested their ability to create a pastry cream etc w/o recipe. and trying to create those recipes in a tents, just can't imagine the struggle with the humidity and bugs. just not my cup-o-tea.

I'm with you Ang, the Princess Cake was ridiculous. The bakers seem

pleasant but I'd love to see some things you would actually make at home.

Oh, we'd make all these things at home and have made the Princess Torte

Also, about the weather, they are in England. A heat wave there is the upper 70's.

I find the show so welcoming after the nasty cut-throat American versions with all the posturing, negativity, and fake drama. I stopped watching them years ago.

These are amateur bakers in a contest, they actually welcome each other's and the judge's fair criticisms, and seem to grow from their experiences. It's blissful with everyone being civilized, friendly, and supportive of each other with none of the American hissy fits and drama queen episodes.

Also, to have judges for a baking contest who are actually trained professionals (and not the celebrity du jour who plays with food), who know why things turned out the way they did and to tell the contestants why and where they went wrong, is very educational, both for the viewer and the contestant.

Yes, the recipe for the princess torte was vague on purpose. It was a very complicated recipe to test their technique. They stated that up front when they introduced the recipe. And, unlike American cookbooks, the direction to "make a crème patisserie" is something one would very likely find in a European recipe. I deal with this vagueness all the time in my German cookbooks. They assume a level of expertise.

Loved that episode and I think I would have done so much better with the princess torte, however. smileys/wink.gif

Yes! Just discovered it a few episodes ago. I love that the contestants are true amateurs

and incredibly talented. I wish the link included Kate's rhubarb custard tart with rosemary almond crust from a week ago.

Woo Hoo!!! Thank you Marilyn. I plan to make this soon with rhubarb from the garden.

Anyone have a link to the full Biscuits episode?

PBS is only keeping the last four shows running on their web site. They took the cookies show down the day before I went to watch it and I missed it! That was the one I wanted to see most.


I am trying to figure out if I can hack a recipe for a Princess Cake now

without eggs. I really miss that cake!

I totally agree with you, Richard, spot on with all of your comments. The people are nice and I wouldn't mind having any of them over for tea or something. I'm getting rather attached to the contestants and will feel sad when it's over!

Heather, I have the recipe for it

if you don't find one. It's hugely involved and very long and I don't have time right now to get to it and I'm running out the door for a weekend out of town, so it won't be until next week. But I have it! Fear not!

Oh thanks....

I have been puzzling out how to make a sponge cake, or something equivalent, that's non-chocolate that would work in layers and possibly even have flexibility. Making pastry without eggs is really difficult.

I'm wondering about the creme patisserie without eggs as well, I guess I really should try to experiment a bit but my budget is tight and it's hard enough to go grocery shopping so I have just been skipping dessert and having a cheese course!!

It didn't work for me...

clicking proceed to video launched that damnable new malicious adware that pretends its warning one about viruses. I've had that a couple times before and managed to zap it with task manager. This one was impervious to that technique and I finally had to do a hard shutdown to get it turned off. Running a full Norton scan now.
