Dawn, I almost never actually poach eggs anymore as doing it in the microwave works
fantastically every time. And it is true poached egg in water rather than baked egg or coddled egg with butter.
I have wee bowls that are those Chinese rice bowls...blue in colour, a thin China. They work the best.
I put about 2 fingers depth of water in the bowl,(about an inch or so) break the egg into that and salt the top.
Then prick the egg well with a fork...Very Important Part.....
Then cover with a piece of paper towel, tucking it under the bowl (in case of a blast) and I do it for 50 seconds on my micro.
I then hold the bowl over the sink with that piece of paper towl, folded to not burn my fingers and holding the egg with the spoon, turn out the water.
You can of course use a small lift to get the egg out and put it on toast but I serve the egg in the bowl with the same spoon.
It goes so quickly and very quickly I learnt that each bowl with water to a certain depth takes between 50 and 70 seconds for the soft eggs we like.
If the top is not quite "white-over" I spoon some of the water on top and it soon gets that white coating.
If the first cooking of 50 secs is too short an added 15 to 20 secs will turn it out just fine.
No more messy pans, foamy stuff and extra washing up!
A richer version uses no water.... drop a bit of butter into the bowl, add the egg, prick, pour over some cream, salt well and proceed with the cooking...very delish.