Anyone have any luck finding things in the Archives? I can find the first set of dated


Well-known member
Archives and the last, but all the in-between date ranges bring up nothing? I was looking for post 661 about Marg and her son DJ. I was just wondering how she is doing.

Sorry, it's STILL broken, the developer is working on a new release...

but you can find all the posts using the search.

Ok, I just bugged the developer about it again.

He's concerned but is spending his time on actually an entirely new version of bSpeak rather than fixing the old one. *sigh* Sorry guys. At least the search works fine.

I started with a search of "dj" and came up with so many posts that had d and j somewhere, so I

found a post that referenced post 661. I thought it would be faster to just check the archives for 661 instead of scrolling all those d and j posts. I forgot that there was a problem with the archives. I just wanted to find out which Marg I was thinking of because I didn't think it was MargCDN who has been posting. anyway, thanks and I hope she posts soon to update us.
