Anyone have anything planned for mother's day? I really need to start thinking about this....

Are you planning anything special, Barb? We usually keep it simple and

have a light lunch and a nice dessert on the porch if it's warm enough. This year, strawberry shortcake.

Probably for lunch/brunch: a quiche, fruit salad, cold cuts, rolls/croissants, and coffee/tea/juice.

Some how, I picked up mothers day. I often wonder how my sis got away w. only 7/4 and my BIL has ?

Anyway, Somehow, I have mothers day. In the past, I have made paella, chicken / burger grill, pulled pork etc. We have a few family friends that have their "kids" that live in a different state, so they end up coming. I think I am around 17 people. I am all about make ahead or in stages. And up for some suggestions.... When in doubt, I will grill.... But could use some inspiration.

I like your low key approach and especially the strawberry shortcake!

Wow, 17 people? For the grill, maybe grilled fruit, chicken thighs (already parboiled),

pasta salad, lemonade punch? Yum, getting hungry here.
