Anyone have Sweet Maria's Italian Cookie Tray cookbook? Gay???


Well-known member
I am bing very dense here. There is a specific cookie I want to make and it is pictured on the cover but I can't figure out which recipe it is!! It is on the front cover, top left corner, second cookie dow. The round one mostly covered in chocolate and then sprinkled with nuts. Do you know which one it is?

I really want to make these because I remember when grandma used to come down from NY on the Trailways bus. On her lap, for safe keeping, was the white box from the bakery full of cookies that look exactly like the ones on the cover of this book!

Any help naming this cookie would be greatly appreciated!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

...and we have another Victory! I just called Maria (as in, yes, Sweet Maria's!) and talked

to her. Found the book on and was trying to scan the index when I thought: I'll bet she's on the Internet. Googled her and made the call. I explained the situation to the person that answered (friend owning book, friend having grandma flashbacks, friend wanting to make upper left cookie, second one down.)

She asked me to hold on while she grabbed a book and said: "Oh, it's just a butter cookie. You can dip it in chocolate and add nuts if you want."

And I said "Thanks so much! This isn't "Maria", is it?"

And it was!

Cheap thrills all around.

Marilyn--you are UNBELIEVABLE!!! I can't believe that you spoke to "Maria"

herself! Too cool! and, A MILLION THANKS. I am going to give these a try this weekend, I can't wait!

You're the best Marilyn - said while jumping up and down in seat clapping hands and laughing!!!

Barbara in Va, Just saw your post, have been cooking for two days ... I do have the book and am so

glad our AMAZING Marilyn came to the rescue.

I just took a break and came to look on line and saw your post.


Anytime you need something from her cookbooks I have Cake Kitchen, Cookie Jar, Italian Cookie Tray and Italian Desserts. If I can help in the future ... just shout.

Happy Thanksgiving.

