Anyone have the hing pin come out of thier KA mixer?


I didn't realize what was wrong till too late. The hing pin on my tilt up KA mixer vibrated itself out. I've looked on the internet and read just to align the holes and slide it back in. Easier said than done (gosh I'm so wishing I bought a KA back when they were made well).

Anyone have this problem and can offer any advice? I can count on one hand how many times I've used this thing and each time something goes wonky.

Thanks all. I found out it needs to be on it's side and the head needs to be tilted up.

Then there is a set screw on the underside of the tilt head on the bowl side, that needs to be kept tight.

Whew! Back to baking now. smileys/smile.gif

Huh! I didn't know about the set screw. Just been knocking the little sucker back into place. The

things you learn 'round these parts!

Thanks for passing along the info.

Thanks for that information, every time I pull out my KA, I pull out a hammer so I can hammer the pi

Thanks for that information, every time I use the KA I get a hammer ready so I can bang the pin back in place. Just checked the set screw, it was ready to fall out.
