Anyone have the new Gourmet Today cookbook? Is it worth getting?

I haven't seen it yet, so I could be very, very wrong. But it seems to me that cookbooks with

"Today" in the title date very quickly.

If you don't regularly get the magazine, there's probably a lot in there to grab you.

As a subscriber, I'd check that enough of the recipes were new, rather than taken from the magazine, to make it a worthwhile purchase. On their website they list a few samples, and they don't make me want to hurry over to Amazon: Leek and Mushroom Gratin (sorry, already paid for it in the current issue), the Negroni (hardly new, though trendy, I suppose, and therefore "Today"), brutti-boni (aka brutti ma buoni; nice to know these 600-year-old Tuscan cookies are still "Today"), and Spinach and Endive Salad with Pecans and Blue Cheese ("Gourmet 1970" maybe?). I am not going to invest in a cookbook for Lemon Pudding Cake or Spiced Milk Tea (say "chai," Ruth, it's not difficult).

I never bought Reichl's first big Gourmet cookbook either (the one with the recipe titles printed in invisible ink), but I do still use the original Gourmet cookbook from time to time.

Which is a long, cranky way of saying I'd get my hands on a copy and have a leisurely look through it before deciding.
