Anyone having trouble with the site loading? It's the only site I've been having trouble with

Huh. Works fine for me.

And since I'm married to a computer geek, I know this helps:
DSL line
Firefox for Ubuntu 1.0 (Linux FTW) smileys/wink.gif
Ubuntu 12.04?

I'm glad that it is working well for some.

I actually have had some slow downs as well. I have been investigating if this were an issue with the data center network or the server. The other possibility is that one or more of the hops along the way to the server has had problems. This would explain a case where a site is slow for some but not others and would also explain how a site can be "the only one" I'm having trouble with. Everyone's Internet connection travels paths (hops) to reach any given server. This essentially means that you are constantly hopping off of routers/servers on the Internet to reach your destination server(s). There are thousands of these variations just in the U.S. If a hop is problematic and it is closer to the destination server, then more people will be affected. If it is farther away then people who are in a specific geographic area will be more likely to be affected while others won't. I have been testing this and in fact had periodic delays on one of the hops. For me it was from ( ( If you know how to do a traceroute you can test this from your own connection. On a Mac go to your terminal and type: traceroute On Windows from your command prompt I think it is: tracert
There has been an increased level of spambot activity hitting the server (hitting not compromising) and perhaps in conjunction with a higher level of normal traffic / user activity on the site slowed things down. One of the antispam services on the server being restarted does seem to have sped up the server overall.

we've been having a heat wave here but I still like it hot.

does anyone in AK drink iced coffee?

HA! we drink coffee in any form---I believe we are the biggest coffee drinkers, per capita, in US

we have lots of local roasters and those little coffee wagons are on just about every corner. I was just in Finger Lakes NY area and was wondering where all the coffee drive-ups were hiding----not hiding, there aren't any. not even a Starbucks to be found. so odd to me.

I drink it all day and into the evening but when I think of AK

I think of the King Crab legs that I had while visiting that were so long that they spanned the width of our dinner table. And of course the best by far that I ever had.
