Anyone here a research hound? I've exhausted my resources and I'm trying to track

Traca, do you know Kitchenmage on Twitter? She's really good at it.

I have a friend who does research for our dating adventures, she says a subscription to Spokeo is totally worth it.

I'm a genealogist. If you give me the name, date if birth, where they lived...

Any info you have, I'll see what pops up. I have tons of sources. You can PM me, although I can't respond that way. I could email or Facebook you.

I'm a con artist. If you give me all the information you give cheezz AND your blood type, I'll sell

your organs on ebay.

Geez. I'm sorry. I totally reacted to cheezz's post and didn't read Traca's. My apologies for being

such an inconsiderate ass.

Feel free to slap me. I deserve it.

Cheezz - thank you. Could you shoot me an e-mail? I'll send you what info I have.

My address is tsavadogo at yahoo dot com.

Thank you!

I'm late, but there are easy ways to check. I know you can enter a person's

name, location, and date of birth (approx.) and go to the Social Security Death Index site (through and it will give you date of death if deceased. Used to be, but that no longer exists. Email me at dawndo4 at graffiti dot net and I can help if you still need it.

Cheez, I didn't know you did genealogy! I knew Melissa did, as we have "talked" before. Small world!

At the rate I am going, I will be at it 50 years and never find the answers!!!

For me the research and finding things is easy. It's just MY FAMILY that I can't find or resolve legends and lore on.

I took a professional genealogy course in the library sciences program from one of our state community colleges - taught by the state librarian/archivist and his staff. Very good, learned a lot, but I also would love a next level of it. My biggest problem really is my family and lack of good information to work from as well as getting to places I need to get to - either travel or they aren't open when I am not working (well when I am working that is).

HA! I started this looking for my gg-grandpa and still nothing after all these years.

I'm going with the alien angle smileys/smile.gif
