Anyone in need of soup tureens?


Well-known member
Seems I have made 2 of them recently. Each has cups and ladles that match, one has a tray also.

Both are currently in art exhibits in my area, but if they don't sell, they will be homeless.

I can send photos if requested.

Hi Judy! I was just thinking of you yesterday. It was national Pi Day. I recall a pic of a pretty

Pi plate that you made. Hope you are well!

I thought 3/14 was Pi day!

A number of years ago, I did make quite a few Pi plates.

I think Marilyn/FL and Steve2 in LA each have one.

Yeah! Your right, I would have thought the same; but they had it on the radio. It was on Sirus,

so maybe it was a recorded show? I did not follow it closely, just smiled and thought of you when they said it.
