Anyone interested in food videos? Check THESE out:

Really great stories! Very inspiring. I have never had a fish taco, it was neat to hear

how Joe described them. LOVE the mom!! I love the mom and pop places; whether bread or fish tacos, they have such interesting background and history. Thanks for posting the link!!

I did a lil research the 2 mexican restaurants around here (Both are over 25 minutes away), do not

have fish tacos. Lots in NYC, Jersey city, etc...But not around here. I think I will just have to use this as an excuse to visit erin / Sandra and head to NYC. Either of you want to join us?? (Assuming Sandra and Erin are up for Fish Tacos?)

Oh, yeah! Steve and Lisa, you need to come on down to Long Beach and try one of these

the website shows the whole menu but all anyone orders here is fish tacos. They're as good as Rubio's used to be (before they got bought out.)

Warning: There are a LOT of bad fish tacos out there. My first was on the beach near SD, but I've

been burnt many, many times since with mediocre wannabes. However, you never forget your first.

So if you have one and it's soggy and nasty, don't give up hope. Get on a plane, fly out to San Diego, drive out to a nearby beach and enjoy the magic.

Actually, making my own with fresh cod and beer batter was the closest to the SD benchmark.

Fine, but all the same I bet you'll like these better

If you want to deliver my peach jam in person I'll buy you a taco at HoleMole. If you come on a Tuesday when tacos are a dollar I'll buy you two!

That's the kind of guy I am.

LOVE fish tacos! My only trip to San Diego...I had a fish taco from hell. Darn near inedible.

Yes, that was the first thing I thought. smileys/wink.gif Haste thee back to Manhattan! We have fish tacos!
