Anyone know why post 26699 is marked "hidden?" It looks fine to me. Perhaps it was a mistake?


Well-known member
Should I "unhide" it? Gayle will be in Portland tomorrow, and was wondering if anyone is around.

Maybe it is only marked "hidden" on my computer?

the thread was Hidden by a moderator

there are several regular members that have moderation super powers of which you are one as is GayleMO and that is why you see the "Hidden" tag

I believe Mimi set up a few select individuals such as yourself years ago

It means that you are a trusted regular member (Moderator) that has the ability to hide/unhide threads and to edit messages other than your own for moderation purposes.

and obviously only those with x-ray vision super powers (Moderators) would see

the threads that were Hidden.

Hummm, I see those hidden messages in the Tried and True too, and maybe other places

I don't believe I have the power to edit others posts, nor would I even try. So , my next question is, why do certain posts or threads need to be hidden? I am a curious sort of person;)

community moderation: trolls, spammers, wrong forum etc.

sometimes for example a link is done incorrectly and a moderator can edit to fix
