Anyone making a pie for pi day today?


I kind of want to make a pie, But given it's going to be 80° today I'm not sure what kind. I'd love a peach pie but peaches aren't really ready yet.

Yes! Just made the crust. Am soaking the dried Montmorency cherries and the apples . . .

will be the ones I have left in the fridge--Honeycrisp, it think. I call this "What's left Pie". Gotta use the apples before they go over, had half cup of dried cherries left. We will see how it comes out. Hmmm, I could add some frozen berries; I don't think the son as eaten them all. . .

And as I have LOTS of arugula growing now (the stuff grows like a weed) and the freakin' chickens are laying a'plenty, mebbe I will make a quiche for dinner.

Double Pi day!--gotta go make the quiche crust now!

Pie is in oven now; used the Montmorencies, all of their soaking water. . .

and had 1 Gala Apple, 4 Braeburns and two Honeycrisp and used them all. Should be good.

Happy Pi day, happy pie!

Aw man! I didn't look at calendar. We have been focused on snow shoveling / comfort food. I saw a

pie on "Chew", I think that was were it was, w/ blueberries, goat cheese and basil. It sounded really good to me. I don't often bake, but that had my name on it.

Happy pie day! I somehow always think of Judy with her clay plate on this day, even though I do not own one! : )

I would have made pie, but

I had not planned ahead and did not have filling ingredients for much other than pecan pie.

We would not have eaten more than a sliver each, so it was a no-go.

Barb, don't feel bad, I don't have one of my Pi plates either!
(I could fix that, though, for both of us)

There is about 1/6 of that pie left, the day after. . .

We are maxi-mucho pie lovers here.

Husband, SIL and I all had a piece last night. I had a mini chunk when I saw that someone cut a slice weird (gotta fix the symmetry, ya know?). Someone else had another piece this morning (saw the evidence in the sink), I took a piece to my sister today.

Dang, I want another piece now.
