Having 3 guys from Miami, churrasco steak w/ chimichuri sauce. Hoping we can grill w/ the snow!
This is a fun and special dish for us! Rec below is from their website.
3 pounds beef skirt steak, cut long
3 heads garlic (about 30 to 40 cloves)
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon black peppercorns
1 and 1/2 cups sour orange juice (If you can't get sour orange juice in your area, use two parts orange to one part lemon and one part lime)
1 cup onion, minced
2 teaspoons oregano
1 cup olive oil
To make the marinade:
Mash garlic, salt, and peppercorns into a paste, using a mortar and pestle. Stir in sour orange juice, onion, and oregano. Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes or longer. Whisk the garlic-orange juice mixture with the olive oil until well blended.
Preparing the meat is very easy. Place the meat in a large bowl or pan. Add enough mojo marinade to cover the meat. Place a cover over the bowl or pan and place in the refrigerator a minimum of five hours, but preferably overnight.
Grill the marinated steaks outdoors on a gas or charcoal grill -- make sure your coals are hot and white! You can cook them however you like your steak -- from rare to well done. However, we recommend that you cook it RARE!
The rarer the meat, the more tender and flavorful!
Serve the meat with the chimichurri sauce -- it tastes great!
Chimichurri sauce
1 large bunch cilantro leaves
8 cloves garlic
1/4 cup vinegar
1 lime (Juice only)
2/3 cup olive oil
1/2 cup onion
Dash or two red pepper flakes
salt and pepper to taste
Optional additions:
1/2 cup sweet red peppers chopped
1/2 cup minced tomato
1/2 cup fresh oregano,chopped
We like to make it the easy way. Put everything except the olive oil in a blender and using the "chop" setting, pulse on and off until you have a thick mixture. Do not over process! This is the kind of dish you need to taste and adjust so that you get just the right flavor! So taste it! (The best way to taste it is with a piece of bread.) Whisk in the olive oil. (If you use the blender to incorporate the oil, the oil and liquids will emulsify, giving your chimichurri a white, paste-like texture.)
Add salt, pepper, more vinegar and lime juice as needed. The flavor should be very intense with garlic and cilantro. Don't be stingy with the salt either!
Several restaurants add to the dish by adding some (or all) of the optional additions. However, we like it just fine without the additions. See what you like -- experiment!