Anyone making Snow Ice Cream?


Well-known member
I grew up in Michigan (back in the days where many winters had lots of snow) and never heard of it until a few years ago. I feel I really missed out! What are your favorite recipes and memories?


(dreaming of a white February)

Ya know, I grew up

making snow ice cream. It was so amazing. And I wouldn't touch it now for the life of me! LOL But that is the difference of a naive country boy and the present big dirty city version (the city, of course, not me).

Debbie! I was born in Niles, MI, and remember going out in the snow...

carrying a pail and shovel. I'd scoop up snow and bring it in and give it to my mom to make snow cream. LOVED the stuff! It's a little harder to find in southern Calif. smileys/frown.gif

Not quite snow ice cream. We made snow cones. We, got frozen ice (literally) and the kids

mashed it with a spoon and I put the prepackaged snow cone syrup on top and they had a blast. (We checked so that it appeared clean) Not quite snow ice icecream ....
