Anyone tried white whole wheat flour? What did you think?


Well-known member
Of all the healthy eating habits around, I really like most of the products, but NOT wheat bread or green tea. I'm wondering if white whole wheat flour is something I should switch to in place of white A/P flour. Thanks for any comments if you've tried it.

Yes, just remember that it acts like whole wheat even though

it is lighter. It seems to have a fine grind to it that regular whole wheat. It has worked well for me in pizza dough and tortillas, although I used half all purpose and half white whole wheat in the tortillas.

I've used White Whole wheat in cookies, brownies, bread, etc

and in most cases no one noticed the difference. I started off by substituting a part of the AP flour with the WWW - start with replacing 25% and then if all go wells, sub more. One thing to remember is that WWW doesn't absorb liquid as fast as AP - so most recipes using WWW say to let the batter rest 15 minutes before baking.

Angie, I use white whole wheat a lot, usually for about 1/2 of the AP flour called for...

I have used it in many, many, cookie, bar and quick bread recipes. I do not bake many cakes but have used it in the Chocolate Stout Cake from King Arthur several times and no one knew. I definitely recommend it.

I sneak it in small amounts into waffles, pancakes and pizza dough. It adds a hearty flavor, and

also fiber and nutrients, but too much of it would change the character of the recipe.

I've usually subbed 1/4 to 1/3, but from the other comments it seems I could use up to half.

Angie---like the name----I do the same as Barbara. It is definitely "heavier" than A/P

so I don't substitute 100%. It's also not white white---even darker than unbleached flour.
