Anyone use a cone-filter-style coffeemaker?


Well-known member
We just bought a Mr. Coffee, and have about 140 cone filters left, unused. The boxes (Melitta and Source Atlantique) are opened, but I hate to just throw them out--I'd be glad to put them in the mail to someone, if you can use them. Just let me know!


I know this may sound silly, but can you use them to "filter" soup? Oragami? Or...

My personal favorite.....
"Johnny, what can you make out of this?
This? Why, I can make a hat or a brooch or a pterodactyl..."

Very kind of offer, by the way. I also hate to throw out something when someone else may use/enjoy.

Are you sure you can't use them? When I travel and deal with those small

Mr. Coffee type pots in hotel rooms I just cut some of the top down and squish them in and add my own coffee brought from home. They are also good for straining the liquid after soaking dried mushrooms. Another use is covering the holes in flower pots when planting or re-potting.

Use them like paper towels - sandwich holder, micro splatter guard, wrap

christmas ornaments for storage, turn into dryer sheets, flash filter for camera, tie fresh herbs in to put in soups and stews, stop the soil from leaking out of a plant pot, recycle frying oil: After frying, strain oil through a sieve lined with a coffee filter, clean mirrors, soak up bacon grease, wrap cut celery stalks for fridge, line cookie tins, weigh chopped foods on scale, DIY sachet holder, press flowers, filter wine when you break the cork, etc. etc.
