Anyone use "Copy Me That" site because I'm kinda liking it...


I love that you can be on any site and just use the Copy Me That button that you install on your browser to copy over just the recipe and photo from any article. Then I can add to a shopping list and use the phone app while at the store.

It's not very fancy, but I'm enjoying it for when I want to quick save a recipe. Thought I'd share FYI.

No, but I think I like it. I've done some playing around with it and

I think it's gonna be pretty helpful. I certainly like the format it copies the recipes into. Thanks Maria.

I need to spend time looking into this!

I was just on Joanne Weir's page after scanning Steven Raichlen's and
wishing they had an easy way to save the recipes, online or to print!

Thank you Maria!

I use MasterCook. It copies to the online recipes and also downloads to MC15.

It downloads the recipe direct to your MasterCook15 software and you tell it which of your MasterCook cookbooks to put it in. You can also create a shopping list for the phone/tablet app. You can save 25 recipes online for free but it costs $9.99 per year to save unlimited recipes.

Investigated and I also kind of like it....

now if only I had the patience to go through my hundreds of recipes in Pinterest and "do the move"

nah.... way too much work. I will just start the Copy me that and use if from now on

Oh my, I have so many printed recipe in two huge binders that are falling apart because they are so

over filled. Most I have tried and are rated with tweaks and suggestions. About three times a year I take my pile of printed recipes, sit down in front of the TV and simply start moving them into TRY, THROW OUT piles. I even wonder why I printed some out as they use too many ingredients, some of which I would have to go on a search for, and are too time consuming for me now. I never used to mind spending 4 to 5 hours in the kitchen every, I still want great food, the best I can get, but not that much time!

I am certain that someday our children will be coming in here and they will toss all those binders out. I do hope they fight over the one with the family recipes though.

I like it...but...I'm picky. I would like to have more control on the

print out. Like, font size, no borders, I hate bullet points and no color. I haven't been able to figure out how I can make those changes. Does anyone know if it can be done?

MC15 syncs with my Android phone and tablet. There are some things in Paprika that I really like.

1. Touching an ingredient in a recipe and having it crossed off
2. Pinning active recipes to switch back and forth
3. Touching the cooking time in a recipe and having a timer start

However, the last two only work for Apple products but not yet for Android or Windows devices.

I print to cook but don't save them anymore....

I use the back of the paper to write down lists of things to do or to buy, then toss it.

I have a couple of huge binders with printouts from over 10 years ago, and rarely look at them.

When I cook something and like it, into the blog it goes, so I don't need to worry about losing it.

Me too. I have a few regulars I've printed, but mostly I use my laptop/phone in the kitchen.

Those go in my Household Notebook binder, with lots of other info/house stuff.

Smart lady. I knew someone on another site who appears to be an excellent cook

she claimed to never make anything a second time. She is very creative, and uses cooking phrases like "celery dust" (I have no idea what that even is) and comes up with eloquent descriptions of her creations.

If I cook a recipe and rate it as excellent, I don't want to lose it, and I usually make it often. I have many excellent recipes and those are the ones I keep. Yet I keep searching, printing, saving, gathering more to try. It is a sickness, I tell you!

Exchanged an email with the founder of CMT....

... and just got this, which I find pretty nice

We're very committed to keeping Copy Me That around for a long long time. (Until something we haven't even dreamed of yet takes it place!) And, to not ruin it with pop-up ads, etc. We're right now working on several ways to make some money, which really is what it takes to stick around smileys/wink.gif We're creating a feature where users can create and buy hardcopy recipe books of their recipes, and will also have a premium version coming out next year.

Well now that is right up my alley! I print out recipes to try and

I keep them only if we love them. And I rarely print anything I don't think we'll like. When I have enough for each section of the book I take it to what used to be called Kinko's and have it ring bound. I just bound my 5th one a few month's ago and I'm well on my may to the 6th. My first one is starting to look a little bit ragged so I'll be watching for that to see if it will be affordable. It only cost me $5 at the print place.

One more thing....

... that I got from her

Adding extra ways to print is actually one of the features that we're considering for the premium version. There would also be options to include, not include the picture and so on
