Anyone using a smartphone app or table app to manage recipes? I started using one - The Recipe Box


Well-known member
I've used Mastercook in the past but haven't kept it up to date with the recipes I've collected. And now that I rely alot more on my iphone/ipad - I really like the ability to have access to stuff like the recipes whenever. You know - you tell someone about a fabulous recipe and they'd like a copy. Sure - you'll send it when you get home...and then you totally forget. Or you're at the grocery store and something on sale reminds you of a tastey recipe you can make with it but you don't remember the rest of the ingredient list... and you hate to make another run....

Anyway, I started using the app last night. It's called The Recipe Box by Corpus Collusion. There's different versions for phone and pad (not sure if they support other platforms).

It's pretty easy copy/paste from website to app. I'd definately do more of the "data entry" on the iPad because of the bigger screen and keyboard and the sync to the iphone was quick and easy.

What it doesn't do is calculate things like calories or scaling the recipe up and down. Since the copy/paste ease of entry is their focus right now, they don't capture the ingredient list in a way to parse out the info there in order to do the needed calculations. I'm ok with that right now. I'd probably like to see that in the future. You can email and print (via airprint) so that's nice too. It has a grocery list function but I haven't played with that yet.

So - do others use apps on their phone or tablets? What do you use and do you like it?


I use Handy Cookbook on my iphone

I really used to love it, because I could download all of my Mastercook recipes onto it and have it with me whenever I travel or at the grocery store when I want to shop for ingredients for a particular recipe. I'm very unhappy with the recent update though. They made changes that make it harder for me to keep my different cookbooks up to date. That being said, I would still recommend it. I'm hoping for later updates to make it better for my purposes. It has a very good search feature, so I can still use it to find a recipe from my 1250 or so recipes. You can also email recipes from it - very useful. My husband has an ipad, and I have all the recipes on there also. I use this in the kitchen as my cookbook.

I use Handy Cookbook too, and like it.

I had some issues transferring my recipes to my phone app, but I think it is because I have an older version of MasterCook. The app developer worked with me until we got the issues resolved. I love having my recipes available to me anytime.
