Apparently, there are some new canning lid safety procedures. Check out this post.

Thank you VERY much for this link . . .

I will be sharing this with my fellow Master Food Preservers today.

Actually, I stopped boiling my lids awhile back after MISTRAL mentioned that it could

affect the seal.

I only make boil the jars/rims to make freezer jam or refrigerate jarred Dyslexic Sauce, but I wanted a good seal regardless. I've not noticed a sealing problem since I stopped boiling the lids along with the rims. It still pings.

The hardest thing that we have been teaching is to ONLY heat the jars . . .

till the water is hot--and DO NOT boil them! So it is good to know this info, and good to know about the BPA (in the last of the article). And I like the citations from Jarden, and Ball.

Arrgh! I mis-spoke: I meant heat the *LIDS* till they are just hot! . . .

The jars, well if they will be processed for under 10 minutes, we teach boil to sterilize/sanitize. If the processing time is over 10 minutes, just make sure they are clean and hot.
