Apply Jelly question


Well-known member

Hmm, the screen looks funny. 'Like the new logo though!

I made apple jelly using the "recipe" and directions that I used when making the spiced crab apply jelly last year.

Basically, instructions say to core and de-seed an amount of apples, quarter them, add enough with water to cover. Cook until mushy, then drain water off, strain the apples, and discard the apple skins and pulp.

Add sugar (1/2 cup per cup of liquid), boil 5-6 minutes, and put into jars. Simple.

Nope. What I have is very sweet syrup, which is okay, but I ain't got jelly. What'd I do wrong?

Crab apples are much more acid than regular apples.

Unless you added a lot of lemon juice I'm not sure what you are doing would be safe to can. The acid affects the pectin & the jelling.

Thanks. I'm just going to store it in the refrigerator, but how does the acid affect

the gelling - more acid, better gel? Or less acid, better gel?

I thought apples had way enough pectin to gel no matter what. Thanks for your info. I did add about a teaspoonful of lemon juice, just for flavor.

You didn't peel them did you? My recipe calls for a longer boil, a slow strain, more cooking until

the liquid turns golden. 6 minutes doesn't sound like NEARLY enough time.

I didn't peel them, but I realized I didn't cook 'em enough. That's teach me to make

something by memory, unless I've done it often :eek:) I reboiled for 20 minutes. and liquid turned out very dark. That'd be ok, but it never did gel. I have apple syrup (which is fine, too).

I was afraid to boil too long the first time because I remember someone saying that if you boil pectin too long, it won't gel, either.

I have about a quart of apple syrup, something I probably would've paid a lot more for at the grocery store! Ha!
