Are there any new trendy foods showing up? What's in for the holidays, and 2010?

I've read that fried chicken is coming back big along with other food from the '60s thanks to the

popularity of Mad Men.

Would that be EbelsKivers Barb? After you posted that video I just

know I MUST to have it! LOL

I second this one. Never heard of it until a few weeks ago, and now I see the pans everywhere.

I had to google that one - must've missed out on that discussion here. Link showing someone making

them... this is exactly how I picture EvaN.

Charming to see an old tradition brought back. In my family we use applesauce

So we put half of the batter in, let it set up for a few seconds then drop a small amount of applesauce on top then the rest of the batter so the applesauce is a tasty surprise on the first bite when it comes out of the pan.

You can also make Ebelskiver on a griddle- like a small pancake but the taste is the same.
