Are there regulations for kitchens in places like American Legion posts?


Well-known member
Had our 2nd annual fundraiser last night to raise $ for our local children's hospital. An American Legion hall nearby allows us to rent at a discount price so for our 2nd year we hosted our event there. We prepared all the food ahead of time at my house Friday night then heated up and served out of their commercial-grade kitchen last night.

I was cleaning up from dinner while the party was in full swing when one of the employees took a break from serving beer/pop and came around to the kitchen counter next to me, plopped down a soft-sided pet-carrier, opened it up and released 2 little creatures that looked like chipmunks. They jumped on her shoulders and she went back to serving drinks.

My head was spinning. Thankfully we didn't rely on their facility to prepare any of our food but still...!


They are a commercial kitchen and have to follow the health regulations just like a restaurant does. I rented a VFW kitchen once, and only once. They get inspected usually at least once a year. If a health inspector saw two varmints in the kitchen like that, they would not be pleased. As far as I know, the only live animals allowed in a facility like that would be seeing eye dogs.
