Are they serious? Ban salt in any food in any restaurant?

Sure, as well as super-tax sugar in soda, trans fat in baked goods... don't you know we

can't be trusted to look out for ourselves? My thoughts are that if they tax sugar, then they should tax butter, prime rib, white bread, donuts, full-fat sour cream, canned soup, coffee... etc., etc.


There we go......

this is beyond ridiculous. I was just reading the other day a very serious article on the fallacy of linking high salt diet with heart disease or high blood pressure. It is a chapter on a book called Good Calories, Bad Calories, which I highly recommend to anyone interested in nutrition, food, diet, etc etc

Who ever came up with this barmy idea is certainly no cook! If the cook cannot use salt the diner

will just shake more on at the table. Unfortunately salt added at the table cannot make up for the lack of taste if the salt is not added in each stage of cooking. They should leave the cooks alone and take the salt shakers off the table. I remember my son asking why my pasta was so much better theirs. The secret ingredient: Salt, as the pasta was cooking.
