Are you missing a 2" disc from your spritzer cookie press? Perhaps I can help.


I'm so grateful for the help ya'll have been giving me in replacing my measuring cups that I thought I would return the favor.

Last week I was looking through the Habitat for Humanity thrift shop for a 1 C blue Rubbermaid measuring cup (thanks for the idea, cheezz!) and found a bag of Mirro spritzer cookie press pieces.

Through past experience I've learned critical parts can be missing, but it was a gallon bag full of stuff and only $5, so I bought it.

Got it home and boiled the entire batch asI have no clue where it's been. I laid everything out--oh, I should explain that I've NEVER used one of these and actually dislike the whole "holiday green tree" cookie image. It just doesn't resonate as "edible" to me. But I thought it might be fun to give the concept a whirl.

Without any directions, I started trying to piece together how it worked. Several of the discs fit fine, while others fell right through the tube. I finally realized that I have a 2 1/4" tube, yet the baggie held discs for both 2" and 2 1/4."

So here is the 2" collection. If anyone is missing one from their collection, post here (not PM...mine is having the vapors) and I'll send it along. I would prefer to share this with as many folks as need it, so please select your most favorite first and we'll see how it goes. But then again, perhaps no one will need them.

That's okay. The world will continue to turn so long as there is at least one camel cookie mold out there.

is that a tablecloth

I'm guessing so since it appears there is a candle...However, this is the exact same material in the comforter on my bed!'s a runner, either from Pier 1 or BB&B. I burned a hole in a beautiful one

by leaving a candle burn down with Christmas fru-fru around the base while we sat outside with guests.

Now I use hurricane glass and cheaper runners.
