Arrggh! After being promised by a local herb specialist that my


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basil (not pesto) won't freeze if I store leaves in the freezer, I went out to see most of the leaves on my basil plants have turned black with last night's frost (or was it Mon. night...). Today, much of garden looks sad. :eek:(

Anyway, I guess I'm glad I found out that you CAN'T store them in the freezer (I didn't really think so in the first place!), before I picked them all and put them in there. I guess I'll have to dry them instead.

Just warning you all... you can't freeze basil leaves!

Interesting, I follow a blog that has instructions for chopping in a food processor and adding

olive oil. Sadly, I've not had any basil since I saw the instructions so I've not tried it. I've also heard that you can wrap in paper towels to collect moisture and vacuum seal to freeze, but haven't tried that, either. I assume they would get limp and perhaps change color. I linked Kalyn's blog with pictures.
