Asking fans of The Kitchen Food Network show


Well-known member
The show is a live program and when I check the info for each Saturday show, it claims to be a new episode. Yet, the past three weeks, it is segments of shows, with each person wearing different clothing and hairstyles on each segment. I don't know if some of the segments are repeats or not. Katie Lee's baby was due Memorial Day, and I cannot seem to locate any info on her giving birth. Does anyone know what is up with the show?

They are doing segments from their homes which have been pretty interesting. Don't know if that

addresses your question, but they are not appearing all together in new episodes.

I've seen all the episodes from each home, they have been in the studio all together the past three

weeks, but each segment is different, Sunny has different wigs on and they are all wearing different clothing. Plus, Katie is not pregnant in some of them. I'm thinking they are doing one short episode and filling in with repeats. I have never done TV work, nor am I an expert.

Hi Karen, I’ve not yet watched the last few episodes but noticed other shows have combined segments

from previous shows and call them new. As for the baby, I think she said it is due in September.

Thanks, don't know why I thought she was due Memorial Day. That explains the

multiple segments then. I have noticed on the first one, it is what my information says the episode is going to be about, and Katie has been sitting down more lately. The rest are repeats then from other Episodes. I record this show and it is my Saturday treat after doing a lot of cooking for the weekend. I love sitting down with what is left of my Latte and watching it with our pup on my lap. Doesn't take much these days to make me happy! : LOL
