Asparagus was $6.99 lb today at Fresh Market! I was warned that the prices were going to soar


Well-known member
all over, but this is ridiculous!

I saw it at another market for $3.99 lb, which is reasonable, but it looked pretty limp, so I left it alone.

What's the going price now in your area?

I saw it Thursday for $7.99 at WF, bought it at HEB, same source (Peru) and size (thick) for $2.47

a lb. It needed peeling on bottom half but was delicious. Saturday, it wasn't as nice at HEB.

Edited to say it was a special this week at HEB.

Asparagus is out of season, It is a spring veggie, so I buy it when it comes up around here

and is available from friends or at the Farmer's Market

$8-ish here too. I usually get them for around $4 in spring, which is a much better price - and the

asparagus is better too since they are in season. Asparagus is my favorite vegetable. I could probably eat asparagus every day if that would make sense smileys/smile.gif
