Attention all original chatters at Epicurious and Gail's Recipe Swap.


Well-known member
You may not be aware of the Facebook page devoted to Epi Chatters. Laura Brown is making a list of chatters. If you participated in either the chat room and/or recipe swap, it would be appreciated if you would please pay a visit to the site and sign in with your former handle. It will be fun to see how many foodies appear.

EDIT: I think you have to be a member of Facebook to see the posts so if you are not but wish to be remembered by the group, please sign in here and I'll pass on the information.

Thank you...

I'm not on FB, but my screen name then and now is the same. Also,

It would be lovely if you could steer some of them here in case they don't know we're here. It would be great to see some new/old faces...and an increase in traffic here.

(The FB link isn't even available for me to view, so if you like you could post my screen name there.)

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Maria. I've told the Epi chatters about and I will add your name to the list.

Some names stand out as having been part of Epi and others have blurred and I don't remember if I only know them from this site alone.

Sylvia, I'm another one who doesn't Facebook. I was usually "Marilyn in FL" at Gail's

although I tended to change/match my signature with a funny story.

You should have seen a partial list last edited on Thursday. It's in the

post of comments. I've also been adding names as I've found them or they've surfaced in my memory. Once the list has been updated I'll post it on this site.

I entered the link and the first posting seen was one entitled

"Laura Brown edited a doc". Then below it is the partial list titled "Screen Names - Real Names". Below the partial list we have been adding names.

Me either Cathy and I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do

but when I first started at Gail's I was Kathy in KSA or Kathy/Jeddah I think. I became Orchid here if anyone wants to enter me. Thanks
