Attention Eat@ Contributors/Donors : Merry Christmas

Paul host
Staff member
Another thank you to all of those who went the extra mile and made a voluntary financial contribution to keep this site running.

I was particularly edified by the donations that came in around Thanksgiving, where it was completely generated by members without any requests being made.

I've had some pretty kewl prototypes of eat@ paraphernalia made up and I'd like to give you generous people, the first crack at these. Right now it is very limited supply and for the most part I only have one of each color but this includes some nice eat@ Aprons and tote bags. I got different color variations to see how they'd come out so there are some more extreme colors (e.g. pink, black, orange) as well as some more elegant colors like navy, hunter, burgundy, beige. There are also several variations of the types of bags. Some of these are the ones that fold up into a little bag that you can put in your purse or attach to maybe a keychain etc. These are useful for say shopping where you are trying to stay "green" by using your own shopping bag rather than the "paper or plastic" option. But handy and convenient for just about anything.

If you made a donation this year and would like one of these, please send me an email confirming the mailing address that you'd like it sent to.

Merry Christmas

And here's hoping 2011 is a good one.



If you didn't make a donation and would like to, on the bottom left of every page on this site are links to do so.

Me, too. I'm embarrassed to say it took a reminder AND

even more, the clever idea of an eat@ apron.

should have some pics up today and

start shipping out tomorrow
