awe. how cute. We have, after all, invaded their territory. I confess to being a bit annoyed at the

doorbell ringing when my hands were full of sticky dough, thinking someone was there trying to sell me something I didn't need for a fund raiser. Then, I saw these kids all huddled together and my annoyance went right out the door!

awe. how cute. We have, after all, invaded their territory. I confess to being a bit annoyed at the

doorbell ringing when my hands were full of sticky dough, thinking someone was there trying to sell me something I didn't need for a fund raiser. Then, I saw these kids all huddled together and my annoyance went right out the door!

We had a bear here in the desert!

A neighbor called and said "There is a ******* bear in my yard!!!!" I had knew of rabbits, snakes, vultures, coyote and even the occasional mountain lion. Never had I heard anyone refer to a bear around here. Sure enough, her husband's pictures made the front page of the paper and the radio reported that deputies followed the bear through town the next night as it stopped at a local bar and then Denny's before wandering off to an exclusive inn.

So now I do bear checks in the morning before I let the dogs out smileys/smile.gif

Great story, Ang. It would have been a good irony if you were making a mousse instead of cobbler

Saw a snake today ~ actually two ~ The best I could do was freeze until my friend pulled me back

We were walking in the open desert behind her home in Litchfield Park and the rattle is distinctive and, to me, quite terrifying. She was unfazed and just jerked me back real quick and said let's go a different way~ Trust me I never ever moved so fast after that. My second encounter in 26 years of living here. in 1991 we were tubing down the salt river for hours and my son, then, 10, was in a vest and sitting on my lap when were going into an embankment he screamed snake ~ and it was ~ huge too ~ getting out of the water onto the embankment ~ I tossed him to my friend in the boat/raft and swam fast away ~ I was told the snake was probably full or it would have come right after me ~ Have never gone tubing since then. That was very very scary.

Such a lovely little story. Good that the kids feel comfortable enough to seek your help. I'd be

there too. I think bears are the only thing that I fear; I've encountered far too many.

Had a similar story with a baby raccoon stuck in our gate here in the city. Whimpering. His mom was just 1 foot away and I was reluctant to release him for fear of my ankles getting chopped up by mom; it is a very confined area. But of course, I did. She didn't move, but once he was through the gate, he followed me, not her, and sought me out all summer. No amount of scolding would convince him to stop following me.

What a nut! (me, not him)

Front page of today's paper here--mid sized black bear sauntering across a yard with a McDonald's

bag in his mouth. He apparently made a score in a trash can?
But he's carrying it, just like he had just got it at the window--caption, "make mine to go".

Were deer on my walking path this week.

We have moose on the mainland about 60 miles away by water.

good one Ang!!!

Oh, LOL! I stopped for another black bear and her 2 cubs yesterday. So very cute. I was at the

AFB entrance gate and she was on the street side of the chain link fence. Her 2 cubs were on the other side. She went up to the fence and pushed on it with her head until there was enough room underneath for her 2 cubs to crawl under. Then, all 3 of them paused for a photo op and proceeded to cross the street right in front of me. I have gone years without seeing a bear, and 2 sightings so far this summer.
