Baby Back vs. Pork Ribs


Well-known member
I've been making the baby back ribs with Espresso BBQ sauce (an EPI recipe) and my DH loves it (never before a ribs fan). Regular ribs are clearly meatier (and less expensive). Can I switch cuts? Would you advise against? Pros and Cons? I have been cooking for 2 hrs at 275 for two small racks (maybe half racks?) of baby backs. Then slathering on the sauce and giving it a quick re-heat in the oven, rather than the 3 minutes/side on the grill (too much work on my old Weber for so little time on the fire).

By regular ribs, if you mean back ribs, they work just fine for this method. Then there are side

ribs, which I don't buy anymore, because there just isn't enough meat on them. They might be a problem.

When I do back ribs (not baby)I make sure they are thoroughly thawed as any extra water will end up poaching them. I slather BBQ sauce on them for about 4 hours and refrigerate. I take them out of the frig about an hour before putting them in a slow oven...300. I bake them covered for an hour then uncovered for another hour. At this point, the sauce has pretty much stuck to the ribs and not the pan and I'll turn the heat up to 350 for 1/2 hour or put them on the BBQ for 20 minutes.

Yep, that's the recipe I'm using. ? about temp/time.

Are you cooking the larger ribs at the same temp and time as the recipe indicates for baby backs? (400 degrees for a hour and a half)? I've been cooking at 275 for 2 hours. I've been getting more and more careless about reducing beer -- doesn't that happen anyway as they cook? Have you increased the amount of beer? One of the notes on epi recommends using 2 beers. Thanks.
