RECIPE: Back at the Taj….. Rec: Chicken Dopiaja (Curry)



Well-known member
My notes:

This is the 6th or 7th successful recipe I’ve made by Chitra. It’s really flavorful.

I cut up a 3.5+ lb. free wheelin’ chicken and marinated it for a full day. The cloves, cinnamon, and coriander seeds were ground in my electric coffee grinder before pureeing with other masala ingredients in my Cuisinart. Used canola oil, and dry coconut from the Indian grocer. I simmered the curry with the lid on for about fifty minutes until tender. I then removed the chicken from the bones with a knife and fork and returned to the pot and stirred.

I bought four (in Donald Trump voice) HUGE onions from the Indian grocer and intended to make the fried onion topping, but one of the onions was off. I might use the topping for other curries using my mandoline.

Curry-Curry is so thrilled that I’m back making his favorite food!
