Bacon humor...

So timely! Frys had "Farmland" brand bacon on sale a week or so ago, and... is the store brand rated highest by Cook's Illustrated for flavor, etc. I bought a bunch and will wrap a boneless pork loin roast in bacon tonight, tie it up tight, and put it on the BBQ rotisserie. OY!

By the way, I think CI got it right. I've always enjoyed Farmland brand, and it is actually smoked and not just 'flavorized'. Good stuff! Plus, it's reasonably priced, compared to the gourmet brands.


That's interesting...

I always avoided Farmland bacon because it wasn't a Name Brand that I was familiar with. I tried the Hickory Smoked and haven't bought anything since. Well, that's not entirely true, I do buy the home-style bacon once in awhile when I am at the only store that sells it. It is like the bacon I grew up eating. Now if I could only find some skin-on hot dogs, the ones that snap.

Actually we do, but they mostly do smoked salmon and smoked sausages, but I'll check for the h dogs.

Dawn should have a good selection there in MO.

My Mom used to buy them for Christmas Eve dinner. Evidently it was tradition to do so.

I remember them being slightly thinner and longer than the American version, but with good "snap", mild flavor and fine texture.

Quite good.

