Barb-VA, your mailbox is full!

Barbara, I was just thinking about you. It's been awhile since you posted, was wondering about dh's

sailing trip. All go well and good fun had by all?

Curious-you are so kind! thanks for thinking of me. We had such an amazing

time. I had no idea how beautiful it was going to be. The most impressive part for me was the colors of the water, from very deep blue to a clear turquoise green and every shade in between. The second most impressive part for me was the total lack of retail for tourists. It was wonderful--I did manage to find some rum tho, LOL! DH took this beautiful picture at Virgin Gorda. The boat we were staying on is on the far right. We anchored the boat, got in the dinghy and motored to the island, tied the dinghy up and then ate dinner in a restaurant on the beach. High tide is only 9" and the islands are mountains so everything is literally "on the beach".

This is from the plane window as we were leaving. A good shot of the colors of the waters.

The not so fun part was returning home with a bad cold and having to go to work even tho I didn't feel like it! Almost all better now and finally getting back into daily routines.....But what fun to have a little glimpse into another way of life.

Barb there is this amazing little patch that eliminates motion sickness.

I wore one all week and had no problem--and I am definitely one to get motion sickness. The guys all wore one on the trip down because they ran into some pretty rough waters. It works really well.

Be sure and try them ahead of time, barb. I put one on and within 1 hour it made me nauseuous

I removed it and didn't feel well for 3 more days. They are a life-saver for some people, but just be sure and try it ahead of time.

I've used the pills and they worked, but knocked me out. A friend uses the patch to play with

"simulator" games...the kind you have to put a helmet on to view 3-D. She gets sick as a dog otherwise.

meclizine works perfectly for me and it's over-the-counter (like Dramamine but won't knock you out)

I rode Space Mountain after not being on it for years and was in the Disney infirmary for 4 hours smileys/frown.gif
