BBC Horizon 2013 The Truth About Taste

Really maybe I can call myself a super taster

and sound all fancy when I try to sheepishly explain why I can't handle hot sauces/spicy. It's actually pretty embarrassing living around so much tex-mex type food and I can only handle mild salsa without frying my taste buds off. I've taken *much* teasing about it. Then again, I've been known to be able to pick out all the flavors/ingredients of folks' secret specialty food dishes (as long as it's not something I find real spicy - then I can't taste anything).

Completely fascinating and years of teasing explained.

Redemption is mine!

Haaaarumph... I'm a super taster.

Yes, I'm still all heart pounding, wide-wake, jacked-up on caffeine from those brownies at 2:30am. *sigh*
