BBQ "Pork Buns" a very special recipe form China...

This makes me want to run (not walk) to our local

Chinese grocer and buy up a couple of brands from their freezer to try.
Perhaps one of them is made this way?
Maybe I won't be quite so quick to shop there for unfamiliar items!

BTW, how are you adjusting to life in Oz? We loved visiting there, but living there can be another story.

Give us an update when you get a chance.

I may be a conspiracy theorist but I can't help but wonder why this spate of...

negative stories about Chinese food. Hasn't all this gone on for a very long time with no notice taken? And where are OUR inspectors and importers? Isn't it their duty to protect us? After all, this stuff gets here by importers in this country. China is going thru the industrial revolution a century later than we did. Just read Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" for a view of our early food practices, and Pollan(?)s " The Omnivore's Dilemna" for what goes on today in this country. And the Gov't of China is actually doing something about it: see the execution of one of the culprits. That should get their attention! Is it just possible that "globalization" has had unintended consequences that our food industry has decided to counter by dumping on China??
