Big thank you for the recommendation of Kitchen Confidential on CD


Well-known member
read by Anthony Bourdain. I received it for a stocking stuffer after much hinting and have been enjoying it the last few weeks while making numerous 200 mile road trips for work and vet appointments.

Yesterday my son chauffered me while I had a treatment on my back. He forgot to bring any electronic entertainment and ended up listening to 3 of the 8 CDs while I was tied up. He then shushed me all the way home so he could continue listening to it.

His big discovery was that the environment at the taco chain where he works apparently isn't that much different from the real restaurant world. I asked him not to tell provide details...that was already more than I wanted to know.

YAY! I love that CD! Tony is hysterical and him reading it himself is like

swapping tales with co-workers after work. My favorite is when he's talking about the bread guy..."Feed the bitch!!" It cracks me up!

You know, last time I saw Tony, I told him I really wished he'd do more stuff on audio ("Cook's World" is also on audio.) The look he gave me was like, "Are you out of your mind?" LOL! Seriously, his audio stuff is fantastic!

Thank you for the compliment, Richard.

Especially since there were a couple of "what would Richard do" moments!
