Big THANK YOUs to Meryl, GayR & cheezz! I used yr 3 sources to create a Black Forest Cake that I


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donated to a fund-raiser auction the week before last, and my cake brought in $800.00!!!! That is an all-time high for this kid. Wow.

I used Meryl's Black Magic Cake recipe and the Cherry Filling from GayR's Classic Black Forest Cake recipe and cheezz's Perfect Chocolate Frosting. Obviously, this was a dynamite combination!

For all 3 recipes reference the following 2 postings:

Wow, was this a private party or a company that planned on serving it to a bunch of folks?

You must have been so excited....that is wonderful!

I was elated about all this, KarenNoCA! Let me fill U in on the complete story because

this one cake has a rather interesting background.==>

In August of 2014 I donated a "Dessert of the Month" gift certificate to our Mill Race Senior Center. They held a silent auction to raise money, and the winning bidder of my 12-month dessert certificate was a lady named Pam. (I never did hear how much was paid for the year's worth of desserts on that certificate.) So since last August, I've been cranking out a nice dessert each month for Pam. She & her husband had a political dinner to attend on April 15, and she was asked to donate a cake for the auction being held right after that meal. With no time to bake, Pam called & asked me to make the Black Forest Cake I had listed on her gift certificate. She donated it to their political auction, and it was the one purchased for $800.00 by a woman named Ann.

On April 19, I was serving at a couple's house for a wine & appetizer party they held (the hostess did all the cooking--Donna is an excellent cook, and BTW, that's where I first tasted the delicious Prosciutto-Wrapped Shrimp w/ Orange Marmalade REC I so very recently posted), and one of their guests turned out to be the lady who had bought my Black Forest Cake 4 days prior so I got to meet Ann! Small world, no?

Ann proceeded to tell me at Donna's party that after she won my Black Forest cake, she promptly donated it to the staff at Volunteers in Medicine, which is a local not-for-profit business that does wonderful work here in Columbus, IN. She said the people there raved about that delicious cake.

Sometimes truth really is stranger than fiction! lol.

Seems I can NEVER remember to take a pic of something B4 delivery or pickup. I'll try harder!
