
I guess I just don't get the objection.

If I'm going to eat meat and poultry, I'm not going to worry about cloning unless there's a lot of chemicals used in the process. It seems like a fairly natural method of producing superior products for consumption.

But there was a poll taken on MSNBC and LisainLa and Meryl are pretty much in the majority.

Have not done any research on the impact/quality etc, but what I find interesting is that

the milk/meat (Assuming cheese, etc??) does not have to be labeled accordingly.

I am guessing, and mind you, it really is a guess, that the FDA believes that all Dairy/meat will be moving in this direction, and therefore can't differentiate, or alternatively, they do not want to have negative ramifications on price, if labeled as such.

Again, not having an opinion one way or the other, as I have not researched. BUT, I do find it interesting that the FDA, is not requiring labeling to differentiate.


From what I've read, they don't think there's a difference. But someone did mention...

that Vioxx was pulled months after FDA approval, as have other products approved by the FDA. I figure I'll invite the in-laws over for a taste test. And maybe the neighbors with the annoying ATVs. And the other neighbors who blast Barry Manilow and Neil Diamond during peaceful, summer afternoons. And maybe that friend of my husband's who drinks everyone else's beer for BYOB football Sundays. Yea, that's the ticket.
