Blown away...and deeply humbled: Bono on Africa

Crazy way the web works....It started with the Mark Bittman video on TED...

then migrated to Dan Barber's talk on revolutionizing Foie Gras...then Bono...and then my whole evening was gone before I knew it!

The past few months I've been up to my eyeballs in chocolate and coffee, and learning about them from a sustainablity standpoint. I've befriended Theo Chocolate's chief scientist Andy McShay, hung out with the roasters at Cafe Vita, and met the producers for an elite coffee that Stumptown is sourcing from Guatemala. One thing led to week I'm seeing Michael Pollan...and I'm interviewing Mark Bittman. There's an intriguing chocolatier out of Africa by the name of Claudio Corallo and he's got a unique approach to growing cacao. And I'm having breakfast with one of his guys on Sunday.

My curiousity has led me to some interesting people, and now I'm scrambling to learn all I can. I'm thinking way too much about the coffee I drink and the chocolate I use in my baking. LOL! And my ice cream...for that matter. (Hence this new string of interviews I've posted on my blog with Alice Medrich and Shirley Corriher.)

Crazy, huh? Check out that Dan Barber video on TED if you get a chance. It's fascinating...
yeah, I work for a company that consults on "motion control"... it's scary what pops up on searches!

Honey, you don't want to know what I came up with when I went searching for

a show about Egyptian slaves building the pyramids on display at the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

Suffice it to say that my short cryptic search parameters (something like Met, NYC, slaves) ended up with links to studs and leather collars. And not of the Egyptian persuasion.

That will teach me to think that the computer thinks like I'm thinking.

I got the cutest email once of a puppy licking the inside of the monitor screen....

silly me thought that would be fun to send to some friends, so I tried to find the original file... won't be doing THAT again anytime soon!!

OMG, I'm very sorry if the link I gave you did that - geesh, what next

It looked innocent enough. Again, I'm sorry.

NO NO NO -- HA!! I meant, when I tried to search for "dog licking screen", I got porn!

Not YOUR posting.... honest, your link was just fine! Just goes to show how sometimes the written word doesn't get across what we mean... sorry if I caused a little cardiac arithmya there, girl!

I just hafta add this comment - when I installed it on my computer as a screensaver, it

licked away my background! Honest! Maybe part of that program is to "clean away" stuff it doesn't recognize? Yikes.

I don't know exactly how or if this program did it, but if you install it, I'd be careful about what else it might clean off. I thought it just was a screensaver! I'm always a little nervous about downloading stuff because I don't really know much about the hardware of this thing yet.

Anyway, I was able to reinstall my picure that I had been using as a background and all is well with the world again, but that was a little bizzare!
