Bread bakers: where do you get your proofing baskets? The pretty banneton style.

I made my own...

I had seen the linen lined ones, selling for large $$$ and decided that I had better places to spend my money.
If you search for bread proofing basket, you will get lots of options.

At the time, Pier1 was selling loads of baskets in sizes and shapes that I liked for proofing loaves. I lined the baskets with pieces of cotton meant for kitchen towels. I had purchased several yards of the material, cut it into lengths that would fit the baskets and hemmed the cut edges. You could also just buy untextured tea towels.

Flour the towel well, drape it into the basket, put in the shaped piece of dough then cover to rise.

Why are proofing baskets needed?

I don't bake bread very often so I must be missing something. I've always let bread rise first in the big old pottery bowl and second rise in the bread pans. Please explain the modern science (because I'm also very cheap!).

Proofing baskets can give that beautiful pattern...

.... on the surface of the bread, as the basket is not smooth inside - the flour gets deep into each of the crevices and as the bread bakes, it leaves nice flour markings

no doubt it is not mandatory for great bread. but when a person loves a toy, it's a nice toy to have smileys/wink.gif

Ahh. This is for those beautiful artisanl breads...

to be baked on a stone and so on. There is a whole world of baking unknown to me.
(I will take my metal and cast iron pans and slink off to the closet.) smileys/smile.gif
