BTW- like Michael in Sarasota & Pat, I've been on FB finding some of you


Well-known member
and I invited you to be a friend but it evidently skipped right over to inviting you without letting me put a personal note that Melissa Clinton Linkinhoker is Music City Missy from the Gail's & Finer Kitchen swaps. So if you get that and wonder who the heck this person is, it's me. And yes - that is me in the center of the profile pix - the one who definitely needs to loose some weight thanks to this board and all of your wonderful recipes (well it's not REALLY your fault...)

I can be found...

just look for me in Pat's friends, or search for my email address-

You can also search for my pottery page- JNpottery!


I also Tweet...

Yay, I found both of you. smileys/smile.gif I'm efslattery on FB and SmetanasGlasses on Twitter, for anyone else...

No cast... oh, and for the garden, too of course (don't want Joe coming after me!)
