Bundt Pan Chicken (Move over beer cans.) Haven

At least from the photo this can't compete with my beautiful browned but moist

"beer can" chicken that I do in a little over an hour on my grill. I have a nice sturdy stainless steel holder. I rub the chicken all over with either a dry rub or olive oil and s&p, fill the center container with white wine and fresh herbs, heat the grill to 350 and don't open the cover for an hour. Sometimes it needs another 10 min or so . I use an instant read thermometer. I also buy an organic chicken. Bronzed and beautiful.

I felt embarrassed for the chicken in that last photo

I have no idea why one would do that to a poor chicken who can't help itself...oh the indignity of it all!

My chickens lay down, like a good dead chicken should. It's my understanding the idea of a beer can chicken is to steam the private regions with flavor boosting innards steam, this, this poor guy is just sittin' and spinning in a pool of - sadness. And when he's cooked? He looks nekkid....down there.

Poor thing.

From my perspective, I see a major flaw in the photo. Talk about indignation!

Poor chickie should have his wings tucked behind his back as if to say "Cook me, what do I care?!!"
